Monday, November 05, 2012

Barack Obama Must Win Tomorrow

It seems likely that Obama will beat Romney tomorrow night, but the show ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. That being said, she has yet to even warm up. Anything could happen, with documented shenanigans going on in FL, OH, and PA. I really, really, REALLY hope progressives carry the day, because the conservative agenda is something that I find to be not in the best interests of the majority of our country. Short post. That is all. I will be on pins and needles until it is called.

Lord, Save Me From My Packratting Ways

I like to hold onto things, and it seems I am not alone. My wife once told me, when asked what I should do with a snazzy but non-functioning fob watch (the kind that clips to a belt look instead of going on your wrist), "I'd throw it away, but you, you like holding on to broken things." I have to admit, she was right. I do. And the depths of this insight can take me to strange places, but that is another blog post. For this post, I recently did an inventory of the PCs in my household. There are six, yet only 3 people live here. This does not include tablets and phones and laptops, which often are used for tasks formerly carried by the sturdy, trusty desktop. I thought, I need to get rid of one or more of these. The least powerful is a Compaq Deskpro with a Pentium III (eek!) processor, a 20 GB hard drive (yikes!), 256 MB of RAM (ay caramba!) and not much else. What is this fossil doing here? It's as if I operate a home for lost and abandoned tech. What followed was a fair bit of soul searching, about the nature of my reluctance to let things go, especially when they serve no useful purpose. As Ogion wryly points out to Ged in A Wizard of Earthsea, "What, after all, is the use of you, or of myself? Is Gont Mountain useful, or the open sea?" This is what I wrestled with. I didn't know if this old workhorse could still serve a purpose, perhaps as a Linux box, or a Primary Domain Controller in a Windows network. Reluctantly, I was able to part with a PC I will never use, having tired of trying to conjure up a practical use for something that had it still had a purpose, it would already be fulfilling that purpose. No. It had outlived its purpose. I was just too sentimental to release it and let it go. Eventually I removed the RAM, the hard drive, the video card, the DVD-ROM drive, the dual monitor video card (does AGP even ship anymore?), and I retired the old gray mare. She truly wasn't what she used to be. Maybe pieces of her will find new purpose, but regardless, I am learning to let go, and it is long overdue.