Friday, February 03, 2017

Monthy Health Check-In #1

I intend to be more consistent in 2017. By this point, many people have abandoned their resolutions. Gym memberships go unused, the healthy eating goes out the window, and as far as getting organized? Well, I had a book that was going to help me with that, but I misplaced it. Life keeps moving. But I am resolved to be a bit better this year. I've already talked myself into new month resolutions, to avoid the arbitrary tendency to put off changes to coincide only with the party in Times Square. There is too much at stake at this point in my life. So here we are at the start of February. I'm going to do a post-mortem on January, look at what went right and what went wrong.

Weight: My weight is down 10 lbs. I was 235.6 on January 2nd, I hit 225.6 this morning. So that's good. Results would probably been a little stronger if I didn't have some off days. It's tough to find good options when dining out. I went to the gym times in January, more than the last half of 2016. It is not quite 3x a week, but it is something to build on.

On 1/24 I went to have my labs done. I expected things to be a little worse than normal because of holiday festivities. Here is the mixed result:

Blood sugar: 191. Last result was 232. This is good. It needs to get down to around 110.

A1C (another blood sugar test): Six months ago, this one was a brutal, red-alert, sound the klaxons 12.0%. Three months ago is fell dramatically to 8.1, and I was feeling pretty invincible. This one, however, showed that it had crept back up to 8.9. Target is 6.1 or lower. More work to do here.

Total Cholesterol: This one was 165, down from 276. Healthy is 0-200. This is a huge win!! Yes! Yes!! By cutting meat, dairy and oils from my diet it, I saw huge improvement. Now, I know some might say that this is being extreme, but it is the only rational response, IMHO. You can see the results are in a very short time. And I wasn't as strict as I should have been. I cut my cholesterol intake by maybe 85-90%, and that was that. I asked my nurse practitioner if I could come off of my cholesterol meds, but she said no. My triglycerides were still too high (195 when they should be between 30-150), so I have still got some work to do, but this was very encouraging.

Blood pressure: Still too high. She took it while I was in her office, and it is improved, but I only have the bloodwork results in front of me.

Summary: Some good, some bad, none ugly. Overall I am pleased but not complacent. My strategy is to continue to bring my weight down. As my weight comes of, the blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol all fall at once. I'm going to keep on pressing on.


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