My Brief Review of Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics
This was a very well-written, well researched, far seeing survey of Christianity in the United States. I learned a great deal from it. Part One is foundation and background. There are sections in Part One that were dry, but if press on, you will be richly rewarded. In Part Two, the heresies are dissected and exposed, and you may find this to be a hard teaching, because the heresies are embedded deeply into wide swaths of the church. You probably have given little that to at least one, and followed it because you trust your church leaders. But when taken in perspective to the historical church, and two millennium of orthodoxy, his arguments are very strong and solid. I have had my doubts about the prosperity doctrine for years, finding it patently oversimplified and a complete failure, except for those who peddle it. I have family members who have tried to live out its principles for decades, and they have little to show for it. The masses don't prosper material, no matter how devout they are, no matter how hard they try. And the fault is always with them.
This book also made me examine some decisions I have made in my life, influenced by religious conviction or religious rebellion or religious doubt. I think I have fallen prey to the heresy of the god within mode of thought, where people convince themselves that God wants them to be happy, and so, go ahead, do what you want, regardless of the collateral damage to others. This is not freedom, this is anarchy.
All in all, I am glad to have stumbled upon this book. It will resonant with me for some time. I highly recommend to believers and unbelievers alike.
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