Friday, January 06, 2017

Continuous Improvement

Recently, I had the opportunity to lead a project that involves developing an internal website for the company. This is joy for me, a programmer now wearing the title of Project Manager Senior Specialist. I never want to get too far away from writing actual code - even if I become CEO, I will want Visual Studio installed on my machine. Programming is a passion of mine. However, I haven't done a web app in several years, and I am a bit rusty. Fortunately I have the hoarding tendencies of a packrat, and so I have kept IT books on several subjects at the ready, hoping, praying for such an occasion. I can hear them saying earnestly, from the end of the bench (bookshelf), "Put me in coach, I won't let you down!!"
So upon opening my copy of Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC I found the following quote, which I took as both a blessing and an admonition:
The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. -Mark Twain
What a wonderful sentiment. And what a wonderful time to be alive, with so many wonderful books out there to consume and be influenced by. And since it is the new year, why not resolve to read some really good books? My goal is to read 42 books this year, up from 33 read last year. Even if you only read one, take advantage of the joys of literacy. Some people never read a book after finishing high school - to me, this is profoundly sad. Reading the right book(s) can change your life. And by changing your life, you may change your world.


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