Wednesday, November 09, 2016

President-Elect Trump... It Just Rolls Off the Keys

I honestly don't know where to begin. It has been nearly a full day, yet I am still struggling to make sense of the news that Trump, the birther, the exaggerator, the liar, the flip-flopper, the celebrity (remember when Republicans made that a back-handed compliment for Obama?), the white supremacist, the misogynist, the trampler of the 1st amendment, mocker of the the disabled... whew. I could list his honorifics to the thousand word limit, and that would just be the foreplay. Man... I never thought he would pull it off. I never thought that many Americans would look past all of those disqualifiers. And like many, I wonder what maddening misadventures lie ahead for us, the passengers in this clown car. I posted the following clip to my Twitter account, because it seems to encapsulate exactly what just happened here. People thought they were using someone as their tool, only to have the script flipped on them with astonishment.

Roll the tape...

You played with fire, 'Murica. I can't imagine a happy outcome to this protest, but who knows? We shall see. I'm profoundly disappointed with the will of the people.


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