A Quick Challenge
I saw this on Pinterest, and it has stayed with me. it says so much in just
two sentences.

Are you still in learning mode? This applies to both personal and professional life.
In my personal life, I am learning to take better care of myself. In my youth I assumed myself to be invincible. In middle age I see that was a delusion. A useful one, a common one, but a delusion nonetheless. These old bones creak and pop. I am not invincible. My battles with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are daily reminders that this once glorious temple is under siege. So, that's one thing. I'm learning about the world around me, learning from my children even as I impart what little I know to them. I pray that I never lose the desire to keep learning and improving. I am learning to be more disciplined, for sure. I am learning to plan more. I am learning to listen more and talk less. I am learning to playing piano better, although I've been dabbling in it for more than 30 years. There is always more to learn.
In professional life, we are adopting a set of new tools to be learned and mastered. In my experience, not long after I achieve some expertise with these tools they will be replaced, and the circle of life will begin again. Hakuna Matata. I have worked on various flavors of Agile and they each have had their own peculiarities. This current iteration is no different, so there are lots of things to learn, to iternalize, to make habit-forming. As always, I'm being challenged to learn new programming patterns and languages to meet the always evolving needs of the business. In this arena, I couldn't stop learning if I tried.
There is more I could rattle off about what I'm learning, but in keeping with the pithiness of this quote, I shall leave it here. Happy learning!

Are you still in learning mode? This applies to both personal and professional life.
In my personal life, I am learning to take better care of myself. In my youth I assumed myself to be invincible. In middle age I see that was a delusion. A useful one, a common one, but a delusion nonetheless. These old bones creak and pop. I am not invincible. My battles with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are daily reminders that this once glorious temple is under siege. So, that's one thing. I'm learning about the world around me, learning from my children even as I impart what little I know to them. I pray that I never lose the desire to keep learning and improving. I am learning to be more disciplined, for sure. I am learning to plan more. I am learning to listen more and talk less. I am learning to playing piano better, although I've been dabbling in it for more than 30 years. There is always more to learn.
In professional life, we are adopting a set of new tools to be learned and mastered. In my experience, not long after I achieve some expertise with these tools they will be replaced, and the circle of life will begin again. Hakuna Matata. I have worked on various flavors of Agile and they each have had their own peculiarities. This current iteration is no different, so there are lots of things to learn, to iternalize, to make habit-forming. As always, I'm being challenged to learn new programming patterns and languages to meet the always evolving needs of the business. In this arena, I couldn't stop learning if I tried.
There is more I could rattle off about what I'm learning, but in keeping with the pithiness of this quote, I shall leave it here. Happy learning!
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