Saturday, December 17, 2005

No Doubt, Love

Finals are over. I don't resume until Jan. 9th. What this means is not rest, but merely diverting my effort into different areas. I have agree to do a website for a lady in Texas, and I need to get that done. I need to paint some rooms in this house, so it feels more like a home. I need to stay on my children's behinds, because they are all getting a little too obstreperous for my tastes, and a father, a real, involved, renaissance man type of father is supposed to make sure kids understand that law and order ain't just a TV show. A father, a daddy, whatever you want to call him, is supposed to hug you and kiss you cause you're his child, but also raise his _________

A: voice
B: eyebrow
C: hand
D: wooden spoon
E: switch off the tree outside
F: any and or all of the above

when the situation calls for it. I'm 'the meanest old Daddy in the world' (to borrow a recent phrase from my 4 year old) when I have to be, and by the looks of things, I have to be.

As I was saying, the quarter is over, and I have amazed even myself. I took four courses, and in two of them I pulled off a feat I have never even considered theoretically possible. I scored 100% on every test, quiz assignment, paper -you name it- for the entire quarter. Final grades of 100% with no extra credit in not one, but two classes. I've never heard of anyone doing that. I can harldy believe it. Last quarter, in Object Oriented Programming, I got like a 103%, because I was in the zone and went the extra mile for all the extra points. However, this is unprecedented, and I must say I am very pleased with myself. Maybe I'm not such a screwup after all. In my other two classes, I got A's as well, nothing lower than a 96%. This should give hope to all the parents of underachieving children. I never made straight A's once I got out of 4th grade. In fact, I bought home quite a few C's, D's and even F's. But now, I am actually living up to my potential. For someone who is traditionally skeptical and very hard on himself... man! I'm not going to dwell on it though.

My in-laws are coming down tomorrow and will be here until after New Year's. We'll see how this goes. I don't know what to expect. I will try and manifest the fruit of the Spirit in season and out of season, as always. It's all good. I should probably be cleaning right now. Yeah, that's a good idea. Go clean, fat boy! I can throw on Harlem Nights while cleaning downstairs and remember the late, great, dearly departed Richard Pryor. He was the man. For all you trivia buffs, he was born in Illinois, just like yours truly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, You surely embeded some very strong points. I hope to follow in you foot steps and strive to attain even just half the points..

December 24, 2005 4:07 PM  

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