Monday, November 21, 2005

Found while cleaning

I found these lines on a scrap of paper, while cleaning up my junky office. In one respect, it's getting close to that time of year, where you evaluate what you need to change in the upcoming year. For me, the big thing is to get organized. I am the hardest working slacker I know. I work so hard because I'm so disorganized that everything either piles up on me, or I have scramble to find this bill or that assignment at the last minute. So this icy Monday morning, the first thing I did was go through a stack of living clutter, and cut it's heart out. Most of this crap went straight to the trash, the shredder, or the recycle bin. Why didn't I just handle it the first time. The rest is split between somewhat important papers that need to be put in their proper files and cabinets, and minutae. Lord, help me- I think I might be a borderline slob.

Anyway, I found these words on a stray half sheet of paper, no date, no notes. Just a quick ditty:

You pray for death
But it won't come
A cruel, cruel joke
-At least for some.

If it's your fate
To still draw breath
Let there be purpose
In each reluctant step.

I'm sure I must sometimes seem like one of the most gloomy people ever, but such is not the case -at least not always.


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