Here We Go Again!

...the same old stuff again!
Marching down the avenue!
8 more weeks and we'll be through!
Sound off! 1...2...
Sound it off! 3...4...
Break it on down!
1 2 3 4
1 2
3 4!
-Old Navy and Marine Corps marching cadence
It's 11:16, and I have a research paper due at 6PM this evening. I have yet to start. I swear, I must be like that guy in Mike Tyson's PunchOut, Mr. Sandman. He would throw lazy jabs at you and if you were good, you could tear him up for a little while. But once you got two knockdowns on him (and thus only needed one more for a TKO), he would shake off the cobwebs, say "Showtime!" and proceed to unleash flurry after flurry until you were on your back, dazed and confused. I've got to stop this. I'm still not writing the paper, I'm blogging! Now I'm Googling for a pic of old Sandman. Madness. Hey, I found one! See y'all later after I score this A!!
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