Thursday, June 16, 2005

From Glory to Glory

I'm sitting on top of the world!! The quarter is over, and I earned a solid slate of A's to add to my precious collection. I have two weeks off before I dive back in, and I am gaining confidence by the day. I just finished stomping a hole in some fool's backside (I'm talking about chess), which had the fortunate side effect of bringing my Lightning rating to a respectable 1930. I think 48 hours ago it has mired in the 1700's.I was playing a guy with an expert rating (that is above 2000) and I lost the first game because I was intimidated by his rating. He accepted a rematch and I won. Another rematch, and another win. I am unsure of the total games played, but I did well. Life is good. I ought to go to bed, but I hadn't written in a while and wanted to just shake off the rust. I also have written some new music, which is always a thrill for me. I am toying with some lyrics to go with it, but just the instrumental is fine with me. I also just finished building up two computers for my personal use. They are both very nice and loaded with power. I found a SATA HDD with 80 GB for $64, but it didn't format properly and wouldn't complete an installation, so I took it back to the store and found a 200 GB IDE for only $99. Is that 50 cents a gig? Sweeeeeet!! I remember driving up the East Coast looking for a 20 GB HDD for $120 about 5 years ago. If memory serves, I had a 6.4 GB baby and it was starting to fill up fast (Napster was all the rage back then); 20 gig was positively decadent back then. How the far the mighty have come. I have a terabyte easy now. Why am I technobabbling? Go to bed you old fool, it's almost 4 am.


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