Am I?
I'm reading this book on computer consulting, and a particular passage jumped out at me very forcefully. It was regarding the differences between an employee and a consultant.
An employee has some leeway. An employee is expected to learn on the job. But a consultant is expected to come into the job ready to perform at a completely professional level. That doesn't mean consultants don't make mistakes. But it does mean that the mistakes they make are the mistakes of an extremely competent person. If you are just learning your trade, no matter how much you bill clients or what services you sell, don't expect others to conside you a 'real' consultant.Interesting. What kinds of mistakes do I make? How often do I err? I believe I am doing well for myself as an IT professional, so this is not a self-deprecating confessional, more like a challenge to constantly improve and not get complacent. Remember, despite how much one knows, it is insignificant whencompared with what is still out there to be mastered and understood.
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