Monday, August 29, 2005

We're not Worthy!!!

Last night capped a frantic effort to finish up that research paper that should have been done well in advance. One of the hidden gems in this project was stumbling across John von Neumann. Man, what a revelation. That dude was a true genius. You see people throwing that word around alot, but if I have ever seen someone who truly deserved the title, it was him. I had only heard his name once before, in a song by Canibus (so much for rap not being educational). The song was called "Chaos" off of the 2000 BC album, and the line was:

I’m like einstein,
A hundred and fifty times magnified
Nikola Tesla , John von Neumann
All wrapped up in the body in one human

I was like, okay so we're supposed to believe you're really smart. And there were plenty of very clever lyrics on the album, but I never checked this reference. Well, now I have met Mr. von Neumann, and boy was I impressed. I'm not going to type in all that I read, but check out some of these links here, here, and here. The talents of people are sometimes amazing. And doesn't history show that for the most part, you're either born with it, or you're not? This guy's achievements have inspired me to make the most of my many talents.


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